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Oakfield Parkonians Cricket Club - IndoorCricket

Indoor Cricket
Oakfield Parks is now a 12-months a year club - in addition to the 4 senior and numerous junior teams playing outdoors in the summer, we also enter teams in the Metropolitan Essex Indoor leagues.

For 2015-16, we will field four teams in the senior competitions, with the A team now promoted to the 1st Division of the Met Essex competition, and teams in each of divisions 2, 3 & 4.

At Colts, we field teams from U10 to U15.

We also field two teams in the "U16+" competition - effectively a U25 competition.

Games are played at the Peter May centre, Bancroft's School, and the Frenford Club.
Latest results - Senior Indoor
No records to display.
Upcoming fixtures - senior
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About Indoor Cricket
Indoor cricket is a fast-paced, 6-a-side game, played in sports halls over the autumn and winter.

Players wear traditional cricket gear, including pads and gloves, and use a special indoor ball - at senior level, the ball is hard, and helmets are required, but Colts generally use a soft(er) ball.

Scoring can be rapid, with an emphasis on running between the wickets and ground fielding - perfect practice for the outdoor game, in fact!

For some thoughts on how to play the game - see theteesra.
League tables
For the latest League Tables, follow the links from the menu bar on the left.
Latest results - Colts
No records to display.
Upcoming fixtures - Colts
No records to display.