Greatness is a Matter of Degree
A Retrospective on The Old
Parkonians Cricket Club
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This retrospective on the Old Parks Cricket Club might be summed up as a
Prince, a Lord, 3 Knights, 11 National Captains, 28 Players for their Country
and 40 First Class players. Add to that
at least 4 OBEs, 2 CBEs and 5 MBEs – and an Olympic qualified Javelin thrower!
It’s a record that recalls the playing exploits of some of our own
notable members and some of the outstanding achievers they competed with. There are some surprises in here. We have Test and other National players in
our ranks. We are linked with names that
are known around the world.
The examples of world-class players show that that there are only shades
of difference between good players and truly great ones – if we put our minds
to it.
Hence the title: good players can become great players.