Oakfield Parkonians Cricket Club - OPCC Colts

OPCC Colts

The Oakfield Parkonians Cricket Club has a thriving Colts section, offering coaching to more than 80 young players, from 8 to 16.

From complete beginners to County age-group Performance Squad members, we welcome members of all abilities, and offer a supportive and safe environment for them to play and learn.

For more information, please contact Andy Holland, Colts' Manager, or the appropriate age-group Managers.

Upcoming fixtures
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OPCC Colts provide weekly coaching sessions throughout the year - outdoors, at Oakfield Playing Fields, from April to September, and indoors for the rest of the year.

All coaching is delivered by qualified ECB Coaches, with enhanced CRB checks, First Aid qualifications, and appropriate insurance.

All sessions are carefully planned to be age- and ability-appropriate - from complete beginners to County age-group squad members, we can help young players to enjoy the game and improve their skills.

Latest results
No records to display.

OPCC Colts have an enviable record in competitive cricket, both locally and County-wide.

We provide competitive play, against sides from other Clubs, throughout the year, outdoors in the summer, and in the Metropolitan Essex District Cricket Board indoor competitions over the winter.

Cricket is a competitive sport, and we encourage the highest playing standards whilst ensuring that our players enjoy the game and show respect to the opposition players, the officials, and to their team mates.

We are always aware that young players develop competitive instincts at different rates, and hence we aim to introduce players to competition only when it is right for them - when they are ready to enjoy the contest.

Code of conduct

The Oakfield Parkonians Cricket Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members.

The club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents/carers or guardians associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.

Please read the Club's Code of Conduct for Youths, Parents & Coaches