Tim Evenden profile

Performance Details

Batting and fielding history
 Total 6160410318118.4192405370
Season: 1997
 All teams4401548138.50000100
Season: 1992
 All teams111011043411.561000080
Season: 1991
 All teams101001113111.101000070
Season: 1990
 All teams141432656324.092300370
Season: 1989
 All teams111102124719.272720080
Season: 1988
 All teams111101855016.822220170

Bowling history
Recent performances

For performances since

  • Performances
  • Batting by position
  • Batting by dismissal
No records to display.
PositionInningsAverageTotal Runs
No records to display.
Mode of dismissalInnings
No records to display.