Membership Form

Annual Subs, match fees


Annual Subscriptions were set at the Annual General Meeting held in December 2023 and are due from all members immediately after. Annual Subscription remains the same as the 2023 season.

Senior players: £120 + £35 Association membership
Students aged 17-23: £65 + £20 Association membership
Individual Colts: £50 + £20 Association membership
Colts’ Family Membership: £90 + £20 Association membership (per person)
Non-playing member: £10 + £35 Association membership.

Please note however, if Subs are not paid by 30th April 2024 they will increase to:

Senior players: £150 + £35 Association membership
Students aged 17-23: £81 + £20 Association membership
Individual Colts: £62 + £20 Association membership
Colts’ Family Membership: £112 + £20 Association membership (per person)
Non-playing member: £12 + £35 Association membership.

This will help to ensure that: a) it is clear that it is for membership of a Club – not just a ticket to play, i.e. membership of the Old Parkonians Association and OPCC (entitling members to use the clubhouse facilities etc.) b) access to senior indoor training/nets is for Members only, and that c) selection for teams at any time during the season can be fairly restricted to paid-up Members.

As previously, monthly payment by Direct Debit will be available and concessions made in cases of hardship. The Student category is again defined as students in full time education or unpaid training up to the age of 23 as at the due date. Regardless of circumstance members aged 24 and over on the day after the AGM will be regarded as ‘Senior’. New members will be allowed 2 games before they will have to pay annual membership. Match fees will have to be paid.

Please note that OPCC membership includes membership of the OPA and failure to pay OPA subs can result in loss of membership to both OPA and the OPCC! If any of you wish to pay your membership subscription at winter training or at any time during the winter, it will be most welcome.

Match fees for the 2024 have increased as follows: 

Seniors: £16.00
Students and concessions £ 11.00

Where Teas are not provided fees are:
Seniors: £12
Students and concessions £10

Please note Match Fees are to be paid before the game starts. Anyone not paying their full match fee will not be selected again until they have paid it in full.

Registration & Membership


We need every member to complete the membership form, which can be downloaded from by clicking on the link above. There are several reasons for this:-

  • We need to update the contact details of all members so that we can contact you easily and quickly with information about matches and other things happening at the club.

  • The England & Wales Cricket Board’s ‘Safe Hands’, cricket’s policy for safeguarding children, which our club has adopted, is part of its commitment to ensuring that the game provides a safe, friendly and enjoyable experience for children. One part of that is a vetting procedure for people who come into contact with young people at cricket. Key personnel, such as coaches, colts managers, umpires, team captains are required to submit to a full DBS (Disclosure & Barring Service - previously known as the Criminal Records Bureau or CRB) check. For all others, a simple Self Declaration is required. As most, if not all, teams are likely to contain under 18s, all playing members are being asked to sign the Self Declaration which is contained within the form.

Please complete the form as soon as possible and hand it to your captain or myself so that membership can be confirmed.

Registration Form

  • Under the Shepherd Neame Essex League rules, only one Overseas player is allowed to play in a side at any time. There is another category, ‘Overseas Exempt’ player which covers people who have lived in the UK for more than two years. There is no limit to the number of these players in a team. The rules are complicated but they are basically to differentiate between semi-professional players who just fly in for the summer to play, and those who live here and play cricket as a hobby. Some clubs have been accused recently of bending the rules to play more than one Overseas player and the League is therefore tightening up on procedures. If you were not born in the UK and do not qualify to play for England (if selected!) we may need to ask you to sign a separate Overseas Exempt declaration.
  • Please complete and return the Registration Form, and we will let you know if you will be expected to complete the Shepherd Neame Essex League Overseas Exempt declaration.

Keith Varnes
Gen. Secretary, Oakfield Parkonians CC